World Robot Olympiad in Eivissa – Sant Jordi.

Jornada Robòtica 2017

Participants, between 7 and 15 years old, have the opportunity to show their ingenuity and dexterity both in construction and in programming through the different challenges (Elementary and Junior categories) using only pieces of Lego.

The day will be held at CEIP Sant Jordi. From 11:00 a.m. to 14:30 a.m., the doors will open to the public that wishes to enjoy this interesting robotics day. The winners of both categories will have the chance to play the National tournament, which this year will be held in Girona in the middle of September.

Both challenges are inspired by the host country of the international finale, Thailand, and focus on the way we develop, share and consume food.

All the information can be found at and through the Fundación EducaBOT, organizer of the World Robot Olympiad Spain from 2013.