
Vi Cool Ibiza Opening Party 01-06-2018

“Fiesta de la Primavera y de la solidaridad” in Santa Eulària 02-06-2018

Teatralized Visits: Travel to the Talayotic past 29-08-2018

Teatralized Visits: Travel to the Talayotic past 22-08-2018

Teatralized Visits: Travel to the Talayotic past 15-08-2018

Teatralized Visits: Travel to the Talayotic past 08-08-2018

Teatralized Visits: Travel to the Talayotic past 01-08-2018

Teatralized Visits: Travel to the Talayotic past 27-08-2018

Teatralized Visits: Travel to the Talayotic past 20-08-2018

Teatralized Visits: Travel to the Talayotic past 13-08-2018

Teatralized Visits: Travel to the Talayotic past 06-08-2018

Canijo Trio in Blue Bar 07-06-2018

Concert- Uncle Sal @ Can Jordi Blues Station 08-06-2018

Concert : Jimiloy in Blue Bar 03-06-2018

Cinema Formentera : “Operación Huracán” 29-06-2018

HEART live – VARGAS & UNDERCOVER – Rock´n´Roll Nights 03-09-2018

Cinema Formentera : Deadpool 2 22-06-2018

Cinema Formentera : “Sherlock Gnomes” 16-06-2018

Cinema Formentera : “The wall” 15-06-2018

Cinema Formentera : “Amor a medianoche” 08-06-2018

Cinema Formentera :”12 valientes” 01-06-2018

Exhibition : “Posidonia” by Antonio Villanueva in OD Hotel 31-05-2018

Book presentation : “El mediodía de mañana” in the MACE – Eivissa 31-05-2018

Concert – Apotropaico @ Sa Qüestió 01-06-2018

The Earth Band Trio Live @ Racó Verd (Sant Josep) 31-05-2018

4 Cursa del Toro – Menorca 30-06-2018

III Cursa per la Salut 17-06-2018

Sunset emotion @ La Savina 02-06-2018

Chamber Music in the World Heritage Cities : O Globo 01-06-2018

Exhibition : Ilustration & photography “MAPS” 28-05-2018

Exhibition : “Especies” by Dolors Comas 28-05-2018

Concert : Lemon Emigrants @ Es Claustre 29-06-2018

Wim Mertens Solo – Teatre Principal Maó 27-07-2018

Theatre : Cinco horas con Mario – Teatre Principal Maó 13-07-2018

Marco Mezquida Piano Jazz Concert 07-07-2018

Edmund de Waal Guided Visit at the MACE 07-07-2018

Looking for a Champ – Badminton 01-06-2018

Book presentation : “Los olvidados de los olvidados” – Carlos Taibo 29-05-2018

Edmund de Waal – MACE. White Island Exhibition 08-06-2018

XLV Festival Música de Maó – Teatre Principal 05-07-2018

Live Music – Bliaze Neo- Soul MUSIC @ Es Pins i Punt 25-05-2018

Concert: Dr Trapero in Can Jordi 26-05-2018

Concert : Ses Sopris in Can Jordi 01-01-1970

XXII Mostra Alba Estudi de Dansa – Teatre Principal 16-06-2018

Escuela de Ballet Ute Dahl – Teatre Principal 30-06-2018

Audition end of course – Teatre Principal de Maó 09-06-2018

Teare Principal : “¡Quién tuvo retuvo!” 03-06-2018

Great March 4 – Gay Parade Ibiza Gay Pride 16-06-2018

Lazareto Guided Tours – Maó 01-05-2018

Concert – Big Band Ciutat d´Eivissa 27-05-2018