Journeys : Encounter in defense of the Public Paths camins publics - cas serres

Encounter in defense of the Public Paths

The days will begin next Friday, April 20 at 6 pm at the Civic Center of Jesus and will be attended by two renowned speakers such as the scientist of the CSIC Antonio Turiel, who will talk about the energy crisis and the answers to the energy challenges of the 21st century, and the professor of Earth Physics Damià Gomis, who will talk about climate change. Subsequently, the screening of the documentary ‘In Transition 2.0′ will be made.

On Wednesday, April 25th, the Diario Club of Ibiza will host, at 6 pm, a talk about the transition movement by Juan del Río and Ana Huertas, while Marc Tur Witt will talk about the experience of “Jesus In Transition” ( Jesús en Transició) , the only initiative of these characteristics that is being developed on the island of Ibiza.

On the 26th in the morning, these same speakers will participate in a technical policy working table at the Consell d’Eivissa and, in the afternoon, in the plenary session of the Council, will participate in a round table with entities of the island such as Gen- Gob, Caritas, Friends of the Earth, Ecofes and Progressive Women.

On the 27th, various workshops will be held at the Ibiza Council on objectives of sustainable development, tools for the transition and local resilience, among other issues.

On Saturday, April 28th, the final point will be given to these days at the Jesús Civic Center with a workshop by Juan del Río and Ana Huertas on ‘Ideas and visions, new projects’, while Marcos Tur will take a guided tour to present the work carried out by “Jesus in Transition”