IV MOSTRA DE CINE AFRICÀ – 9th June – Closing

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IV MOSTRA DE CINE AFRICÀ – 9th June – Closing
Place: Can Jeroni (Sant Josep)

2018.Kenya, Germany | Swahili, Kikuyu, English. 74 min. Family public

Synopsis: Jo, a nine-year-old girl, is crazy about action movies and dreams of being a superhero. His biggest wish is to shoot a movie and star in it. Thanks to his imagination he forgets that he is in the terminal phase of a serious illness. Her sister can no longer bear to see the laughing Jo spend the time she has left in a bed and encourages her to use her magical powers. By the way, convinces the whole town to make the dream of the girl come true.
With the collaboration of the African Film Festival (FCAT) https://www.fcat.es/