Ibiza Music Video Festival 2014 #IMVF15

k-lenda.com ibiza music video festival

Young Film Academy (YFA) is the UK’s leading provider of filmmaking courses, schools film making programmes, communicaty filmmaking projects, film making outreach events and kids film parties to young people aged 6-19.

Based in London, each year the YFA work nationwide to help 7,500 young people complete their first digital films, from West End premiered movies to curriculum-linked film projects in schools.

Young Film Academy is a hub partner in the British Film Institute (BFI) Film Academy Network, helping to find top UK emerging talent.  YFA designs and delivers high quality educational film projects for the UK’s largest arts institutions, right down to small groups of kids who just want to have fun making movies or hosting film making parties at home…

Participants on Make a Film in a Day courses are given an overview of the whole filmmaking process from EUREKA!, through ACTION! to IT’S A WRAP!  Working in teams, these yound filmmakers work against the clock to plan, storyboard, shoot, act and edit their fil (complete with sound effects and music)… and by the end of the day their first movie is complete.

There is a screening of the finished films for parents at the end of the day.  Each participant receives a copy of their completed film to keep.

More info @ ibizamusicvideofestival.com