Friday Cinema – Es war einmal in Deutschland. Bye bye Germany @ Can Jeroni byebyegermany

Friday Cinema @ Can Jeroni
Es war einmal in Deutschland. Bye Bye Germany.
2017. 101 min. Alemania. VOSE.

Director: Sam Garbarski.
A group of survivors of the Nazi concentration camps are associated to set up a small business for the sale of bedding, a product that apparently is in great demand among Germans, who also feel guilty enough not to close the door to a group of Jewish sellers. The idea is, of course, to raise enough money to go from Germany to the United States. The sympathetic group, infected with the energy and audacity of David, gets down to work, swindling the customers with the sale of lots of sheets “of Paris”, inventing in passing, to convince them, a whole series of cynical techniques and mischievous, and quite visionary in terms of marketing.