Patron Saint of Sailors Virgen del Carmen nuestra señora del carmen

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in spanish Virgen del Carmen, is the Patron Saint of Sailors and seafarers.
In many towns, cities and cultures of the whole mediterranean sea there are navy processions in which the Holly Image of the Virgen del Carmen gets out to the sea in usually, fishermen´s boats.
Floral offerings, folkloric dances, sailors, concerts, beach games for kids everything as a token of respect to the Virgen del Carmen and prays for their safety at the sea.

Processions @ La Savina in Formentera, Ibiza´s Harbour, Santa Eulalia, Portinatx, Cala Llonga, Es Cubells in Sant Josep, Sant Antoni and the next sunday in Es Pujols in Formentera.
It usually starts when the sun starts to set. Once the fishermen have come back from the sea, sold their fish and rest a little bit after their daily very early start.