APNEEF Charity Dinner hosted by Paris Hilton

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BBQ Chic
APNEEF charity dinner hosted by Paris Hilton.
The next 19th of August, Cova Santa organizes a charity BBQ hosted by Paris Hilton to raise money for APNEFF.
The Association of People with Special Needs of Ibiza and Formentera was created in 1998.
Promoting the development and evolution of children and adolescents with special needs, trying to increase their quality of life and integration into the society opening a way to a better life.
APNEEF is a non-profit association for boys and girls aged 0 to 18 with special needs with any type of physical, mental, sensory and / or cognitive disabilities.
Make your booking and collaborates with the most needy and forgotten on the Island.
Table reservation: 971 395 714 / +34 652 288 406

more info at covasanta.com