XLI Ibizencan Culture Course

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A whole week full of big of characters with great minds, that will show and explain what happened in Ibiza and Formentera during the Spanish Succesion War in the XVIII century.

Always in Club Diario de Ibiza, at 20.00h.


Monday, November 9, conference: “The impact of the Decree of New Plant in Catalan in Ibiza”, by Bernat Joan i Marí, Professor of Language and Literature.

Tuesday, November 10, conference: “The Pitiusas and the War of Succession: defeat of a political model” by Santiago Colomar historian.

Wednesday, November 11, conference “Army soldiers and weapons of the eighteenth century”, by Francisco Javier Hernandez Cardona, Professor of Social Sciences, University of Barcelona.

Thursday, November 12, conference “Tables and kitchens in the time of the Spanish War of Succession”, by María Ángeles Pérez Samper, Professor of Modern History, University of Barcelona.

Friday, November 13, conference: “At the end of three centuries of conflict, from 1715 to 2015: War of Succession in Ibiza and Formentera” by Antonio Lopez Espino, Professor of Modern History at the Autonomous University Barcelona.